06:58Actors & actresses, cinematography, hidden meanings; all of the interesting components that make up a film. Throw in an incredible director and a killer script and that's how you make the perfect Oscar-worthy film sandwich.
However, I can't say I always agree with the choices that are put in the best film category. As much as I try to give each one a chance, often times they just aren't my cup of tea. But to each their own!
Just as a little reminder here are the 9 best picture nominee's for this year
So far I've reviewed Arrival & La La Land - which you can read here - but I've watched Hidden Figures, Fences and Manchester by the Sea since then.
Rating: 5/10
I was so excited to see this one because I love Octavia Spencer so, so much. She can literally bring a smile to my face instantly with her on-screen charisma. While I hadn't seen much with Taraji P. Henson before this but she was equally as enchanting as Spencer and really stole the show.
I felt they could've left out Katherine G. Johnson's personal life a bit - only for the sake of the showing her kick more butt at Nasa - and to give the other women more screen time as well.
This is a surprising choice for a Best Picture nominee and, while I don't think it will win, was a lighthearted choice made by the academy.
Rating: 7/10
Where to start... I didn't hate Fences. Let me make that clear, I really thought the acting was tremendous. As the whole entire movie was dialogue based, Viola Davis and Denzel Washington put on a spectacular show.
The problem with it was it felt like exactly that, a show. Not a film, but a broadway play. And I have this thing about broadway plays that don't change scenery. Which means I especially have a thing about movies that don't change scenery.
They get dull. While there was energy and passion there was no momentum. It's like they got close and then it would fall back into the same boring routine again.
Rating: 5/10
My heart hurts to even talk about this movie. It honestly put me in a weird funk for about three days after I watched it. The only other films that have done this were Blue Valentine, Atonement, & One Day.
Manchester by the Sea explores grief without ever having to say the word. They don't do the typical trope of movies about depression either. It really does hit you in your core when your realize how real the portrayal is.
So I would say watch this if you are looking to be emotionally effected by a movie. To really come out thinking about how debilitating grief can be. It is not for the faint of heart or average rom-com moviegoer, I'll just say that.
Rating: 8/10
I really hope to watch Moonlight and Lion before the Oscars while I've kind of resolved myself to not watching Hacksaw Ridge or Hell or Highwater because of the plots. They just ain't my cup of tea! Let me know if you've watched any of the Oscar films and how you felt about them