Top 5 Christmas Movies
08:49Hello Hello! I have to say I'm surprised with myself for getting a blog post out yesterday (considering I had to write two blog posts for my internship *soon to be on SoleScriptions Blog!*) but here we are for day 2 of December! Maybe it's just my obsession with Christmas but I really am so inspired to create as much content for the blog this month as I can. I know that I have other responsibilities I should be focusing on (schoolwork? job applications? present buying?) but 'tis the season to procrastinate!
Today I wanted to share with you all my top 5 Christmas movies. I challenged my best friend to watch at least one Christmas movie everyday until Christmas... it may be overly ambitious and we will part ways about 5 days before Christmas but why not add a little more to our already full plate this month!
Without further ado here are is my personalized list of Christmas movies:
1. The Grinch
Hands down. No competition. All around. BEST. CHRISTMAS. MOVIE. EVER.
You can disagree but you're wrong. Honestly if I'm being completely honest I think this would rank as one of my top ten movies ever! Call me crazy but I can watch this movie 50 times in a row and never (I repeat never) get sick of it. Just so so good.